Friday, February 26, 2016

Reagan lost in the Republic?

"What Today’s Republicans Don’t Get About Reagan "is written by Jacob Weisberg who has also been the author of the Ronald Reagan volume in the American Presidents series. Jacob Weisberg makes it clear in his article that Reagan’s beliefs were not those of the Republicans running for President now, but that his beliefs were more conservative.

The authors’ main focus is to the people who believe that the Republican Presidential candidates are like Ronald Reagan, with the things that he stood for and fought for. Jacob Weisberg makes sure the reader knows what the differences are in the Republican nominees and Former President Ronald Reagan by saying, “… the characteristics that made him a successful politician seem lost on them.” Those of us who have heard or read about what kind of President Ronald Reagan was would agree with Weisberg.

While the people who are currently running for President talk more about Ronald Reagan they are nothing like him. The whole party has completely switched and changed since that era. What used to be a Party that would ‘settle for 70%’ is now a party that “won’t settle for less than 99%”. We have been indulged with entertainment have been focusing on these entertaining presidential candidates who ‘exploit prejudice around immigration and terrorism’.
Personally I happen to agree with what Mr. Weisberg wrote when he said the party might not just lose this chance to have a president but might also lose itself in the process. Regardless of how you see it this is not the Republican Political party that Reagan was a part of. The republican political party has lost itself.

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