Thursday, April 14, 2016

LSD and the brain

Many have read or heard recently about recent scans on your brain while on LSD and the results are interesting. The DEA has LSD classified as a schedule 1 drug along with Marijuana, Ecstasy, and Peyote. Having a drug on the Schedule 1 drug list means that it is one of the most dangerous and has NO currently accepted medical use. 
The recent scans on the brain show exactly how 'LSD increases or boosts connectivity between brain networks that it usually doesn't connect with. Your brain normally has independent networks that perform specialized functions like vision, however while using LSD you have more of a integrated and unified brain.' What exactly does this mean and how could this be useful? 
Having a more 'unified' brain means that your brain could be more flexible with thinking, have more vivid visions, and also it could enhance your creativity. This could be something that many people look at when doing LSD. Having a more creative mind and an openness to more things instead of the rigid way of thinking that we have right now. So should LSD be used medically? 
Well LSD assisted psychotherapy has a very strong promise to treat things like depression, addiction, and end-of-life anxiety. While it does sound like a strong reason to allow neuroscientists and psychologist to use LSD on patients it could also lead to many side effects that we have not yet found. Allowing neuroscientists to keep studying this drug could lead to possible health benefits in treating things like depression and even end-of-life anxiety in time. 


  1. This is an interesting article, but could be geared more towards the government's involvement in deciding the schedule level of these drugs. It would be helpful to know what the guidelines are for those decisions, and how they are made. Also, it would be nice to have a specific source listed for the "recent scans". Otherwise, it's a great article, thanks.

  2. when you think of LSD you certainly think of marijuana mixed with ecstasy and peyote and the danger of this drug that cause for a person if taken. it's crazy to think that psychologist can use it for a good thing. This article made think of many different opinions but my main one for this topic is that it should be more tested and more information on how LCD could be more useful.

  3. I'm someone who has consistently been fascinated by the way drugs impact the human mind. That being said, I had read articles on this subject prior to you writing this haha. I think that under any sort of scientific observance the positive effects of drugs are something we should focus on more. We seem to just demonize drug users without really diving into what could potentially be helping the users of these drugs. Some people partake in sparse drugs and lead really healthy lives.
    I think in general any area of potentially therapy we could uncover through drugs or really anything is a good area to research more. Being someone who has been in and out of multiple types of therapy for a majority of my life if there could be positive impacts it's something that should be explored I think.
