Thursday, May 5, 2016

Another one

Like President Obama said, "You know I got to talk about Trump".  With Trump being the most likely Republican nominee with Ted Cruz suspending his campaign, this has brought a lot of controversy within the party and outside also. Many took Trump running for President as a joke or even thought that he would not get as far as he has in this race. For some sadly this wasn't the case, we now see Trump leading the Republican Party for President with support from some and disapproval from others like 'The current highest Republican in Power Paul Ryan". Having disapproval from someone like Paul Ryan, which many if not most Republicans begged to run for President, could cause many Republicans to not support Donald Trump. This could be beneficial to Democrats, to have a separated Republican Party, and other Republicans that simply don't want Donald Trump to 'represent' what the Republican Party stands for. Speaker of The House Paul Ryan has since the beginning said that he would back the Republican nominee. Every Presidential candidate had even signed saying that they would support the party’s nominee no matter who it was, mainly because everyone thought that Donald Trump wasn’t going to be leading the party. I truly believe that Donald trump will be representing the Republican Party in the General Elections, only if Paul Ryan doesn’t change his mind and decides to somehow run for President (wouldn’t that be something we would all want to see). I think that we should all just take a look at who we actually want for President for many of us either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump would be our ideal President but voice your words. Our voice counts only if you do something about it. Don’t let yourself get deceived by mainstream media and news about the Beyonce or The Kardashians. Learn get educated and stay informed. That is the only way you will actually be able to make a difference in this world not only for yourself but for the future generations!

1 comment:

  1. The fact that Donald Trump is the face of the Republican Party for the election can really show how America can be in general. I hope to not see this man win in November because if he does it will probably be the saddest day in America. I do agree with Eddy and say that we should get more informed of our 2 upcoming nominees. WE ARE THE FUTURE! THIS ELECTION IS NOT A JOKE!
